How Real-Time Supplier Connections Drive Additional Profitability and Speed Up Production
To be honest, the transparency of most supplier performance management in the manufacturing industry is like wearing glasses in the wrong prescription. Sure, they can help you see better, but your vision is blurry, cloudy, and unfocused. You can’t know the clarity and beauty of what you’ve never really seen. But using sophisticated and intuitive quality management software is like having Lasik surgery — your vision is suddenly crisp, clear, and there’s no need for corrective lenses. A whole new world opens up.
How do we know this? Because we’ve worn those glasses. Our team has 20+ years in industrial manufacturing, processing, supply chain, cost-saving strategies, and helping Fortune 100 organizations streamline their operations. That’s why we developed Open’s software solutions. When it comes to quality management, most companies have been stuck using the same tools for the past 50 years, leading to some glaring issues and no clear understanding of their supplier performance or value.
We understand the frustration of having the same recurring problems with your internal supply chain, external suppliers, or both — it’s expensive, time-consuming, and potentially risky. With Open‘s smart software, you’ll be able to identify problems fast, solve them even quicker, and produce more products at a higher quality level — meaning more revenue and cost savings for you.
The current process of resolving non-conformance issues versus using one of Open’s tools typically looks something like this:

Currently, most manufacturers may only have one person to contact at their suppliers when there is an issue. While that can certainly work — and seemingly has for some time — the COVID-19 pandemic has proven that this one-stop-shop approach is inefficient. Staff turnover, illness, and absences due to quarantine can cause severe bottlenecks in traditional communication methods. Your regular contact may not even see your message right away or, worse, for two weeks. Every minute you spend waiting on them to solve the problem holds up the whole production process, thereby costing you money.
Open’s tools create more visibility into the supply chain process. A manufacturer can notify a supplier immediately when there is a problem but will know when the message was received, when the supplier logged the issue in the system, and when they took action to correct it. A pre-established workflow is immediately activated, and the issue is resolved promptly. Plus, multiple people were notified, taking the pressure off one person to serve as the point of contact.
A spreadsheet can’t do that. And a system that relies on forwarded emails certainly can’t either. Using inefficient communication methods to solve complex manufacturing issues can completely slow down your production.
With one client, a British supercar manufacturer, our software reduced their time to resolve issues from four days to 1.5 days.
Now imagine you’re an aerospace manufacturer with 800+ suppliers. If you’re relying on email and spreadsheets, your supplier quality engineers are limited to how many issues they can interact with each day. Our tools allow them to see the logged information in real-time and what actions were taken. This means they can scale and manage 15-20 suppliers rather than just 5-10 at a time.
Put simply; there is a better way. Open’s tools can help teams solve problems faster with less work. We are eliminating the hassle and enhancing your bottom line.